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How was the strategy developed?

We built upon the generous sharing of expertise from people both internal and external to the public sector.

We also created a solid research base that informed further discussions and engagement workshops.

The vast array of information we gathered helped us create a strategy that is connected to the public sector’s current needs and focused on the future of the sector.

The process included:

  • interviews with several departmental chief executives
  • interviews with thought leaders
  • desktop research covering over 100 international and national reports and articles, including:
    • Peter Bridgman’s A fair and responsive public service for all – independent review of Queensland’s public sector employment laws
    • Professor Peter Coaldrake AO’s Let the sunshine in: Review of culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector
    • Queensland Audit Office’s Managing workforce agility in the Queensland public sector
  • interjurisdictional analysis of other public sector reform efforts and initiatives
  • analysis of public sector demographic data and annual survey responses
  • sector engagement through a series of workshops including diverse and regional representation
  • further consultation with departmental chief executives and senior human resource (HR) and corporate officers.

All of this led to the six goals identified to build an even better public sector for Queensland.

The work that is happening across the sector, including work already being delivered by the PSC, was considered as part of developing this strategy’s focus areas and goals. The development process looked at where the gaps were—or those areas that would benefit from sector-wide attention—and focused on how we can address these gaps.