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Our ways of working inspire trust in government
Our public sector is required to work quickly, consistently and diligently to deliver essential services and support Queensland’s system of government. Responsiveness is part of how we build and maintain trust.
We know that the future will bring many challenges and many opportunities. The fast-paced nature of technological advances and environmental changes will make designing and delivering effective and responsive public services even more important.
We know that many of these challenges and opportunities won’t fit neatly into the subject areas of individual public sector organisations.
In a time of disruption, change and uncertainty, the way we work will be key to building and maintaining trust with our community and government. Supporting the government to respond to the big, interconnected issues facing Queensland and engaging with the community about what matters most is a core part of our role.
Focus area 1 responds to the challenges – increasingly complex local and global needs, earning trust in uncertain times and skilling up for ongoing digital advancements.
We are better equipped to respond to complex challenges
We have a strong track record of coming together as a sector to respond to natural disasters, and more recently, a global pandemic.
Leveraging these strengths and harnessing learnings will allow us to build responsive ways of working to address present and future challenges.
Solving complex problems will require us to bring together data, diverse expertise and insights from different public sector organisations, stakeholders and partners. It requires us to have systems that help us to share responsibility and have clear accountability for addressing public sector-wide priorities and outcomes. This also relies on building skills in purpose-driven, sector collaboration and partnering.
We are better connected to the community
A big part of what we do—in both frontline and frontline supporting roles—involves working with, listening to and understanding the needs of our increasingly diverse community.
We do this to:
- inform the advice we provide to government alongside other evidence and data
- communicate essential information to the community about matters which affect them
- make sure our services are evolving in line with community expectations.
Technology continues to change how people expect to share and receive information. Engaging and communicating meaningfully with customers and stakeholders requires us to develop contemporary skills and competencies. It also requires us to invest in the systems and processes which support transparent, coordinated, and contemporary approaches to engaging with the community.
Our progress
Learn more about the progress we have made towards delivering an Even better public sector for Queensland.
Goal 1: We are better equipped to respond to complex challenges
Apply the Regional Collaborative Governance Model (RCGM) to a complex regional issue and capture learnings to inform future collaborative governance mechanisms.
Expected delivery: End of 2025
What is this action about?
- The RCGM has been developed to support public sector organisations, located in or providing services to regional Queensland, to better coordinate and collaborate.
- The RCGM aims to support agencies to tackle the unique challenges faced by regional Queensland communities. It will be implemented from 2024 across multiple regions in Queensland.
- This action will deliver learnings for sector collaboration by applying the RCGM to a specific challenge and determining if and how these learnings can be applied more broadly.
Work with public sector leaders to develop model(s) under the Public Sector Act 2022 for effectively delivering priorities/initiatives/projects which involve more than one public sector organisation.
Expected delivery: End of 2024
What is this action about?
- The public sector is good at coming together to respond to a crisis. This action will look at how successful collaboration can also be achieved for longer term challenges which require input and expertise from several public sector organisations.
- One of the functions of chief executives under the Act is to provide sector stewardship by working collectively and collaboratively to implement public sector-wide policies and priorities.
- This action will identify ways of tackling public sector-wide challenges and document the collaborative governance models appropriate for future use.
Develop practical guidance based on research and the sector’s existing success stories to support successful sector collaboration.
Expected delivery: End of 2024
What is this action about?
- Effective collaboration within government and with external partners and stakeholders requires the ability to bring together the right skills and expertise, negotiate effectively, navigate complexity and resolve conflict.
- Real collaboration is critical to our ability to solve complex problems and innovate.
- This action leverages the sector’s current strengths and looks at existing collaborative efforts—including what is working well and what can be improved—to inform the development of practical guidance for collaboration by individuals and teams.
Goal 2: We are better connected to the community
Implement sector-wide guidelines, resources and training for culturally appropriate engagement with First Nations peoples and communities.
Expected delivery: End of 2025
What is this action about?
- Multiple public sector organisations engage with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities—this engagement is an important aspect of reframing the relationship as envisioned in the Act.
- Unique knowledge, skills and practices are required to support genuine and appropriate engagement with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- This action will create clarity for public sector employees about how to respectfully approach and deliver culturally appropriate engagement processes with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
Develop a plan for building practical skills in community engagement, facilitation and public communication across the sector.
Expected delivery: End of 2024
What is this action about?
- Building and maintaining trust requires us to communicate and consult with the community in ways which meet their needs and expectations—this is particularly relevant as technology continues to transform how people expect to engage with the public sector and government.
- Effective engagement allows us to understand diverse perspectives and provide critical information in contemporary and accessible ways.
- This action will look at how to build practical skills and experience across the sector in engaging with the community to design and deliver services and programs, facilitating conversations with the community and stakeholders, and communicating with the broader public.
- Last updated:
- 28 February 2025