
Kim Badcock

Community Engagement Officer

I help Queenslanders understand the environmental implications invasive weeds have on their crop or livestock production.

Community Engagement Officer Kim Badcock is raising community awareness of 5 weed species native to tropical America which have been introduced into North Queensland.

As part of the National Four Tropical Weeds Eradication Program, Kim helps people to understand the implications invasive weeds could potentially have on the environment and their crop or livestock production and encourages people to report any sights of these weeds.

“Community engagement is at the heart of community development,” says Kim.

“I love talking to people, and really enjoy getting out of the office and talking to the community about how we can all work together to help protect Queensland and our Queenslander-way-of-life from biosecurity threats, including these weeds.

“It’s important we protect our environment now so future generations can enjoy the natural and beautiful landscape that our state has to offer.

“I joined the Queensland public sector 4 years ago because it was a great opportunity to further my career in community engagement.

“My role also keeps me on the road a lot—working evenings and weekends—so it’s great working for a department that provides flexible working, giving me time to spend with my family.”

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