For the past two years, Anu Wanninayake has been working with some of the most vulnerable people in our community through her work as a Senior Case Manager at Rockhampton Community Corrections.
“In my role, I case manage high-risk supervised individuals in the community with the aim to reintegrate, educate and rehabilitate them, and to increase community safety by decreasing recidivism,” said Anu.
“I moved from Sri Lanka to Australia in 2017 to further my studies in law and along the way I applied for a role with Queensland Corrective Services. “I was offered a Senior Case Manager position which combined my passion for law, criminology and my desire to help others.”
Anu’s work with supervised individuals is integral to maintaining community safety as she assists them to understand and gain insight into their offending pathway, while motivating engagement with service providers to support their journey through the criminal justice system.
“Making decisions in accordance with various legislation helps to mitigate any presenting risk to the community, ensuring the community is kept safe,” says Anu.
“I respect every individual I meet and review their background, including the social and economic factors affecting them, without making judgement.
“The majority of my work involves case managing individuals with severe mental health issues, drug and alcohol addiction and significant trauma, addressing those issues and finding the most appropriate help and support for each person.
“I have found that by actively listening and encouraging small changes in someone’s life, it can make a huge difference to their recovery. “I have also learned to appreciate some of the wins each individual achieves, which is personally rewarding.”
Anu enjoys the flexibility that her role provides since returning from maternity leave, helping to balance her day-to-day life.
So, if you’re looking to make a positive difference in someone’s life, while helping to keep your community safe, Anu recommends a role in community corrections.
In her spare time, Anu enjoys spending time with family, reading, travelling, and watching law-related documentaries and movies.
Anu is here for Queensland to provide a helping hand to those in need.
Our people are passionate about making Queensland better through what they do