
Geoff Borschmann

Senior Scientist (Wetlands)

I’m proud to work for Queensland, protecting our wetlands for future generations.

Geoff travels across our sunny state to assess the condition of wetlands and to determine through field assessment, satellite imagery and GIS mapping, how this changes over time—particularly in relation to human influence.

“My role is very diverse. As a wetlands senior scientist I compare current vegetation water levels and flows, and the levels of disturbance compared to pre-European condition, to determine if significant changes have taken place,” says Geoff.

“I enjoy the chance to inform management and policies that enact real changes regarding wetlands protection and informed resource use.

“I use GIS data including vegetation, wetland and land-use mapping, as well as field data collected by our team from across Queensland for this.

“Providing robust information on the condition and trend of freshwater wetlands in Queensland, and making a difference in environmental science and management at a statewide scale—that’s what I love most about my job.

“I have been in this role for 8 years, and 14 years in total with the Queensland public sector, including roles with the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Senior Natural Resources Officer) and the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (Senior Project Officer).

“If I could describe in 10 words or less my experience working for the sector it would be riding the behemoth.”

When he’s not busy maintaining Queensland wetlands, Geoff also has a keen interest in surfing, camping in national parks, and listening to live music.

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